Open Survey for GLAMMONS project!

newsnews from echn EU projects

In the scope of another EU funded project, GLAMMONS is an ambitious project that seeks novel research-informed solutions for the future of Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAMs) operating in Europe.

This research aims to strengthen GLAMs to adapt to a changing environment, while continuing to provide cultural services with great value to society.

To get an inside view of GLAMs’ work, we have designed an online survey to collect anonymous data from directors, managers and professionals in related institutions, regarding their organisations’ management, day-to-day practices and community participation.

We have designed an online survey to collect anonymous data from directors, managers and professionals in related institutions, regarding their organisations’ management, day-to-day practices and community participation.

Please help our research by responding to our survey – it will only take a few minutes!

The survey is translated in 10 European languages (English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, Greek, Italian, Bulgarian and Serbian).

Should you need more information about the project, please contact us at

Towards the GLAMs of the commons!