Coming up: the ECHN Programs are opening for 2023!

newsechn programs

A new round of mobility programs reserved to all ECHN members is about to be launched! Hub managers, staff members and cultural and creative professionals will have the chance to apply to dedicated programs that accelerate peer-to-peer learning, upskilling, networking and knowledge dissemination among the ECHN network!

What can you expect from this round of mobility programs?

P2P Learning Program: A custom-made mobility program for creative hub managers who want to set off new innovative collaborations, seek new formats of cross-sectoral cooperation and share knowledge and expertise across Europe.

Staff Exchange: A mobility program that enables staff members of the network’s hubs to visit another creative hub and gain valuable working experience, innovative skills and know-how to introduce in their home hub upon their return.

ECHN Workshops: The ECHN Workshops program supports emerging creative hubs to set up impactful workshops that target other hub managers and stakeholders, to spread and share specific know-how and expertise that would otherwise remain uncollected.

Hubs Alliance: Many of you already joined the Hubs Alliance, which now forms a Europe-wide extended workspace. It is now time to open the Alliance to the cultural and creative professionals who populate your hubs and allow them to explore our cross-border platform!

The programs will be available all year long, until all available seats are filled. Stay tuned and don’t miss the new launch!

Curious about the P2P and Staff Exchanges of the first round? Check out our news section!