CYANOTYPES Project has gone live!

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The Cyanotypes (Erasmus+ project) website and online/ social media presence were launched: CYANOTYPES is a community of change, a pan-European project which addresses the Cultural and Creative Industries sector’s needs and skills gaps. Challenging existing frameworks, the question is what innovative, multidisciplinary structures, strategic interventions and concrete skills development solutions can be adopted across the European CCI ecosystem?

We are all CYANOTYPES.

The launch of the 4-year project entitled CYANOTYPES brings together a wide variety of partner organisations, stakeholders, and European networks to address the needs and skills gaps in the Cultural & Creative Industries (CCI).

As a community of change, we call for radical change. We recognise the sector’s potential for innovation, competitiveness and resilience, that reacts to and rebounds from current global challenges such as global pandemics, digital transition, conflict, and the climate crisis.

Therefore, through the integration of specific and transversal skill sets, we will provide context-specific points of entry and respond to disruptive elements into the sector with upskilling and reskilling processes for different stakeholder groups leading to change and innovation in CCI education and training.

We are all works in progress, blueprints that are continuously being revised and updated. More is yet to come!

Meet us through 

CYANOTYPES is part of Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills funded by the European Commission Erasmus+ Programme. 

Project duration: Start: 01/09/2022 – End: 31/08/2026