Ukrainian Support Program – a series of personal stories

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As most of you know, the Ukrainian Support Program was launched in June 2022 as a response to the war in Ukraine. It was developed by the MakersXchange team to help displaced Ukrainian Culture and Creative Professionals resume their professional life in new and challenging conditions.

During the 2 months of the Open Call, we received 167 applications from Ukrainian artists and creatives with professional experience in different fields – from painters to filmmakers, from to UX/UI designers to musicians, performers and even tattoo artists.

27 program beneficiaries were supported with a financial grant and many other applicants got access to the incredible network and support of ECHN members in different countries, providing assistance in mobility and networking with the local creative communities, help in finding accommodation and new job openings, working/rehearsing space, exhibition/performance opportunities, language courses, legal assistance and more.

Tackling the complex challenges during the Program implementation knitted even more close connections between ECHN members as well as with new partners outside of the Network that were incredibly supportive. We would like to, once again, thank all your commitment and dedication!

Discover the motivating stories shared by the Ukrainian support programme participants here.