We have a winner! The next ECHN Workshop will be about alternative textile recycling practises

newseventECHN Workshop 2024

Le Textile Lab (Lyon, France) won the most voted proposal by the ECHN Community. Soon we will announce the dates of the Workshop and open the call for participants, so make sure to keep an eye on your inbox then! 

Congratulations to Le Textile Lab, which had the winning proposal for the next ECHN Workshop! The run was quite tight, but in the end our Lyon hub was the most voted.

The chosen proposal is on ‘Alternative Textile waste recycling’, and Le Textile Lab has been specialising in textile innovation, community building & collaborative practice in the last years. The proposal was designed for hub managers who are concerned about textile waste and local production, who want to implement circular economy principles in their hubs, in order to develop new activities (workshops, production...) and act in a new global community. 

Soon we will announce the dates of the Workshop and open the call for participants, so make sure to keep an eye on your inbox then! 

The participation will be open to other Hub Managers in the ECHN community.