Coming soon: the MSCA CORAL-ITN Final Conference!

news from echn EU projects

Join us from 11-13 of November at Romantso Creative Hub in Athens

The conference marks the end of the CORAL – ITN project whose mission is to understand the role and impact of collaborative workspaces (CWS) in rural and peripheral areas of Europe. During the two day conference, early stage researchers, invited speakers from CWS industry and policy making will meet to discuss CWS in relation to global economic trends, regional development, communities and individuals from the perspective of various disciplines. The purpose is to focus on the phenomenon of CWS (i.e. coworking spaces, makerspaces, fablabs, creative and innovation hubs etc.) that are located primarily in rural or peripheral and remote areas. Research on this topic is emerging in recent years from numerous disciplines such as regional development and planning, rural studies, geography, business and management, sociology, architecture, design and economics.