CORAL-ITN is releasing its MOOC now and if you’re passionate on the rural topic you don’t want to miss it!

news from echn EU projects

We are proudly presenting one of the biggest outcomes from the CORAL-ITN project: its Massive Open Online Course where we aim to introduce you to the phenomenon of Collaborative Workspaces (CWS) in rural and peripheral areas in the EU. 

We are proudly presenting one of the biggest outcomes from the CORAL-ITN project: its Massive Open Online Course where we aim to introduce you to the phenomenon of Collaborative Workspaces (CWS) in rural and peripheral areas in the EU. We will together trace the emergence of coworking spaces, fab labs, creative hubs in rural and peripheral areas and their impacts on the socio-economic local development. 

The program consists of 9 online sessions, where all of those who are intellectually curious about CSW can learn from, such as: 

- students who want to explore further phenomena that are related to the transformations of work, workplace

- rural areas coworking practitioners that wish to advance their hands – on knowledge with conceptual and methodological debates about CWS advocates 

- policy makers who wish to bring at the forefront of their policy agenda the support and development of rural and peripheral areas through CWS

CORAL- ITN is a Marie Sklodowska Curie Innovative Training Network (2021-2024). Its aim is to unpack the latent dynamics and impacts of collaborative workspaces in rural and peripheral areas and integrate them as development tools in local and regional policies to open up new potentials for socio-economic development.

CORAL publications and other media can be found through the CORAL website

The project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 955907.

Full MOOC available here.