S4Fashion just joined ECOSYSTEX!

newsnews from echn EU projects

S4Fashion was recently welcomed to the ECOSYSTEX network as a member project, in order to exchange knowledge and best practices!

ECOSYSTEX, the European Community of Practice for a Sustainable Textile Ecosystem, was formally launched in early 2023, with a mission to accelerate collaboration in the textile sustainability and circularity field.

As a joint initiative of the European Commission’s Research Executive Agency (REA), the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) and the Circular-Biobased Europe Joint Undertaking, and facilitated by the Textile ETP, this new network of textile circularity projects aims to create a long-term community of practice, ensuring collaboration across project consortia and lasting beyond the individual projects’ durations.

Let’s all contribute in creating a long term community of practice.

Join us on the 14th of April for the 4th ECOSYSTEX Dissemination Webinar, where S4Fashion, among other projects, will introduce their work.

Register here:
