“My initial goals have been fully accomplished, returning to Prato with a lot of new ideas and projects to improve our hub.” Federica Valli - Lab Manager at Lottozero, visiting Le Textile Lab.
“I really enjoyed this experience. It helped me improve my competencies and stimulated my creativity. Now I have a lot of ideas for new projects.” Lucas de Laforet - volunteer at Buinho, visiting Onl’Fait.
The Staff Exchange is a mobility program that enables staff members of the network’s hubs to visit another creative hub and gain valuable working experience, innovative skills and know-how to introduce in their home hub upon their return. The program is dedicated to those workers who want to tap into the network’s professional expertise, grow professionally and bring something valuable to their creative hub’s team.
For whom
The Staff Exchange is dedicated to any staff member enrolled in a creative hub, of all levels of career and of all sectors, including production managers, communication officers, bar managers, technicians, accountants and much more!
Hub managers are excluded from this program.
The participants must be willing to visit another hub to learn new skills, practices and methodologies to implement back at creative hub of origin.
The exchange can take a customised format: job-shadowing, project-based, workshop, lecture and more.
Participants will receive a financial support of 350€ to travel to another ECHN creative hub for up to 5 days.
An upskilling professional experience
Tap into the network's professional talents
Learn new skills, practices and methodologies
Boost your career
350€ grant per participant
All year long
A Europe wide network of different talents
Promotion of your experience through our channels
- This open call is open to creative hubs members of the European Creative Hubs Network. To be eligible, hubs must hold a regular or associate membership. Applicants must be staff members of any sort of a creative hub, excluding hub managers.
- The candidates should first pick their matching hub and confirm their availability before filling in the application form. You can browse ECHN’s Network Map to check the ECHN hub members – you can filter your search according to country, sectors, services and facilities. Make sure to tick the “available for mobility programs” box.
- After confirming the Hosting Hub, the applicant will identify a mentor in the hosting team.
- In case you need help in finding the right match, send us an enquiry and we will assist you in the process. Contact email: davide@creativehubs.net
- The application includes a draft of Work Plan that summarises the theme, objectives and activities of the exchange.
- Upon confirmation of the application, the applicant will proceed to signing an agreement and confirming the plan.
- The selection is based on a first-come first-served basis, but ECHN has the right to decline any application that does not fulfil the program’s requirements.