Frequently Asked Questions

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General information about ECHN

A creative hub is a physical space for creative & cultural professionals that offers the most effective way to support their growth, collaboration, interaction and development.

Members related questions

Yes. To access all the programs and benefits of being a member, you should register on our website and apply to become a member, regardless of your previous relationship with the network.

No. Not the individuals, but the hubs are going to be considered as respondents of the membership process. The new hub should apply for the membership and assign you as its representative.

Associate members benefit from all the value offerings proposed in the document. They will be included in all communications channels and will be invited to all the workshops and events. The only difference for associate members is that they cannot vote in the general assembly.

Maybe. If even without a physical space you have a physically activated community that you meet and support on a regular basis, you might still be eligible for regular membership. Nevertheless, associate members can switch to regular membership when they fulfil the required criteria. Associate members should inform the steering committee via to switch their membership types.

It is the same as the regular membership fees.

Membership fees are yearly basis fees. The fees for 2019 should be handled before the 31th of December, 2018. Steering committee informs members regarding the bank account details etc. within two weeks following their applications.

The memberships are renewed automatically when the members transfer the upcoming years’ fee before the end of 2019.

Yes, they do. But they do not have a chance to take part in the votings.

1. Communication Communication is about what happens in the network and will give you important knowledge not only about our projects and programs, but also on open calls and other opportunities, and also news from the hubs that are part of the network. If you have something to share with your peers, this will also be a channel for you.

2. Training and Development Every year there are learning opportunities through offline and online events, and peer-to-peer exchange programs. The training workshops are on the sketch board, and we are planning 3 workshops per year and a peer-to-peer program. It is an important leg in the network, because with training we can make the hubs more sustainable and resilient.

3. Events We believe it is important to meet in a network. This is when the network comes alive, and members will get a chance to meet and connect at least twice a year, once for the Hubs Meetup (Spring) and another time for the Culture and Creativity Conference (Autumn).

4. Policy & advocacy Policy advocacy is a new strand of the network. The ambition is to support members on national and municipal level as well as representing the CCI’s on an international level.

Memberships are valid on a yearly basis (January – December). For members applying after July 1st, they pay half the membership fee for that year.