The last Family Brunch took us on a virtual tour to the middle of the Atlantic


As usual, on the first Friday of November we had another round of our dear ‘Online Family Brunch’ – our monthly event exclusive to ECHN members!

This is the opportunity to catch up, meet up, share the news and be inspired: it’s where often we hear great stories: just like in good old family meetings!

Thank you again for all of you who are a part of this beautiful community and make these events so warm and inspiring.

This time around we welcomed Tânia Moniz, from vaga – the most western creative hub in Europe!

They are located in São Miguel island in Azores, in the middle of the Atlantic (quite a magical place)!

Tânia told us the story about vaga: a group of people who started by bringing an artistic and performative event to the island and over the years have built a vibrant creative community, deeply rooted in the island’s community and character! This is a space to think about the arts and knowledge, aiming to provide the city with a space dedicated to contemporary arts, with a regular and multidisciplinary program with exhibition projects, performances, conversations, workshops/masterclasses, and artistic residencies.

Promoters of the Walk&Talk Festival, with this space they aim to develop continuity projects such as the formation of audiences, complementary artistic education, the accompaniment of artists in the territory, and the creation of a program and content throughout the year.

 “vaga (wave in Portuguese) translates the idea of movement, permanence and intensity that we imagine for the city. It takes us back to the island and its geographical condition and tells us about new times, other rhythms and patterns that are renewed.“