ECHN Trade Magazine


Creative hub leaders are a new ‘profession’, a new trade, but are not always recognised as such. Creative hubs are creating new forms of leadership using collaborative, bottom-up, interdisciplinary, and community-focussed approaches. They have a completely different skill set and understanding than more traditional forms of institutions. The first Creative Hubs Leaders Magazine is a pilot publication, with a dream to become a shared and co-owned multimedia magazine for Creative Hubs Leaders everywhere. Not just one magazine, but a kiosk where YOU, Creative Hubs leaders, can access and share curated stories, data, and information that is useful for your work, members and communities.
This first edition captures ideas and stories of the ECHN community, collected through interviews and conversations, at the 1st and 2nd European Creative Hubs Fora, and in online interactions. The next edition will be powered and created by a European community of hub leaders. Please get in touch with your stories, ideas and feedback!
This magazine has been prepared as part of the European Creative hubs Network project, co-funded by the EU’s Creative Europe programme. It has been developed by the British Council together with Open°, an open-source platform and global meeting place for hub-makers.

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