Creative Hubs Barometer 2017 - Capturing the profile and evolution of creative hubs throughout Europe


The Creative Hubs Barometer 2017 is an output of the European Creative Hubs Network (ECHN) project, co-funded by the European Union’s Creative Europe programme and led by the British Council in partnership with 7 organisations. The Barometer is a pilot study aiming to map and describe the creative hubs (sub-)sector in Europe. It has been commissioned by the British Council, and developed in collaboration with ECBN.

The Barometer is based on a self-assessment feedback targeted at creative hub managers in order to know more about trends in their sector, to better advocate for it, and to better understand where their hub fits in the creative economy.This Barometer is not only taking a picture of the state of creative hubs in Europe, but is fundamentally a reflection exercise that can hopefully lead to asking the right questions and taking the right actions for the sustainability and success of the hubs and the cultural and creative industries.

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