Empowering Women for Creative Business

Peer to Peer Learning Program 2022

Missia 23 @ Nova Iskra

Objectives and main topic of the exchange:

Exchange experience and knowledge in developing and managing creative hubs. Creative and technology industries in collaboration for achieving a new level of export of cultural products and services. Facing the new way of inventing – in the zone between creative industries and technology. New professions: gamer.


Day 1 – Nova Iskra & Collaborators

10:00-12:00 Presentation of Nova Iskra. Location: Nova Iskra Dorćol. 

Nana Radenković and Ivan Manojlović shared their experience on building the space, engaging the community and building cooperation.  

Presentation on current projects in which Nova Iskra is engaged, among which MYHOOD, MADE IN 2.0, GLAMMONS, Collab 4 HySust, Belgrade Gets Digital. Discussions on topics: Mediation between sectors and fostering collaborations. Hubs and clusters being relevant actor in these processes.


12:00-12:30 Meeting with Lana Kapor – Manager of Nova Iskra Workspace Dorćol and tour at Nova Iskra Dorćol. 

Discussion on managing the space, facilities and services offered. Contract relations with tenants and community. Events management.


14:00-15:30 Meet Maja Lalić – President and creative director of Mikser. Updates on recent activities and projects. Discussing future collaborations – Young Balkan Designers initiative, set up Balkan Design Association.


Day 2 – Management of Physical communities

10:00-11:00 Meet Jovana Tomic at Nova Iskra Dorćol. Success story of Kriva art – collaboration between tech companies and visual arts. Discussions on forming cross-sectoral collaborations between creative and technology industries.

14:00 – 15:30 event at Nova Iskra Dorćol – Nova Iskra exchange: Empowering women on Creative Business.

Presenting Missia 23 and Createch Bulgaria. Panel discussions with Nana Radenkovich (Nova Iskra) and Tânia Almeida Santos (CRU) and Kristina Janković Obućina (Serbian Games Association) on women entrepreneurship in cultural and creative sectors. Advancement in new roles and professions f.e. Gamer. Networking and discussions with participants.


17:00 Visit Belgrade creative districts – Čumić Design District  

Meet with Igor Stangliczky, Gallery 1250. Tour at Čumić Design District and discussions on aspects of running a design district, common branding and positioning. Community development, facility management.


19:00 Meet Creative Mentorship. Creating community through capacity building programs.

Day 3 – Value and Impact of Media Arts on local context (at Nova Iskra Savamala)

9:30 – 10:30 Presentation of “The Womb” project (media art project) – Meet Miljan Peljević and Ivan Manojlović, Nova Iskra. Example of collaboration of media artists with scientists in order to explore the practical potential of science-backed art practices in development of innovative, more effective  and more accessible mental health treatment.


11:00-13:00 Brainstorm sessions: 

How can media arts contribute to the promotion of digital literacy in society as a whole.  

Ethics in Culture Education, digital literacy and safe Internet, Mediation between sectors and fostering collaborations Collaboration between arts and science on sustainable topics. Role of creative hubs and clusters as mediators and facilitators fostering cross-sectoral collaborations.


14:00-16:00 Visit Belgrade creative district Matrijaršija 

Presenting the work of Matrijarsija and their community, Novo Doba Festival and Fijuk distribution network, social inclusion of disadvantaged groups. Discussions on maintaining and developing an art community and facilitating promotion and export of art. 

Day 4 – Future Collaborations (at Nova Iskra Dorćol)

10.30 – 11.30 Meet Simone Rebaudеngo – co-founder and creative director of oio studio.

Product design meets emerging technology, using AI for craft and design of everyday objects.


11:30 – 13:00 Brainstorm sessions: Exploration of collaboration opportunities in project within Creative Europe, Erasmus Plus programs etc. Discussed potential project ideas, partnership and available funding opportunities.


17:00-18:00 Meet Tijana Mićanović of Green Art Incubator

Topics: Promoting green policies in the cultural discourse, creating an agenda of green changes in the sector; initiating greater participation of the professional public in the environmental dialogue and encouraging the participation of the general public in content dealing with this topic.


Day 5 – Cultural exploration of Belgrade Apprehension of the local culture, heritage, and creative expressions. Visited artistic and cultural landmarks, galleries and creative spaces in Savamala District, Mikser House etc.



Both sides shared know how and best practices in creating and managing CCI hubs and clusters. Got insights on different business models of creative hubs, discussed industry and community development approaches from housing creative businesses to innovation labs, to incubation programs, annual programme of events and maintaining online networks that bring people together.

Meetings with stakeholders from Nova Iskra’s community, helped better understand Serbian creative industry and identify common needs and challenges. This will facilitate creating a more targeted interventions and support to address these needs effectively. 

Brainstorming sessions helped identify potential ideas for future partnerships including trough available EU and other public funding sources.

The exchange programme successfully fostered building a relation and combining networks between Missia 23 and Nova Iskra, enabled sharing of ideas, experiences, and setting up the ground for future collaborations. This will contribute to creating a more resilient, sustainable and vital CCI ecosystem in the region and the EU.

Plans for continuation of collaboration with hosting hub

Develop common projects with main focus on skills development, technology uptake, sustainability and growth in the creative economy. Additional focus on collaborations between EU and non EU country CCI hubs in the Balkans.