On our last Family Brunch, we learned about Hacking in the Rural world!


At December's Family Brunch,  we had IGnácio (a.k.a. Nacho) - one of the youngest members in the ECHN family, telling us all about their plan to revolutionise the way we make an impact in the rural scene, from their experience at Rural Hackers.

Based in Galicia (Spain), in the intersection of art, technology and rural life, Rural Hackers was born as a response to the need to fight depopulation and create a sustainable bridge that links rural communities with the contemporary world.

They use a unique fusion of art and technology as a key tool to generate creative and humane solutions to contemporary challenges in their territory.

At the core of their approach is the idea that art and technology can coexist harmoniously, each enhancing the other, to create a meaningful impact on the lives of the people who inhabit Galicia's rural communities. They seek to cultivate an environment in which technology is used to enhance human life, while nurturing the creativity, expression and beauty that art can bring.

Rural Hackers can be seen as a movement, a soft revolution that seeks to merge seemingly opposing worlds to realize an inclusive and equitable future. They are dreamers, makers, innovators and, in essence, artists. They seek to transform not only their lives, but also the lives of rural communities that need to be heard, seen and preserved.

They invite you to connect to your roots and redefine the concept of rurality, honouring traditions, respecting nature and people, and embracing the digital revolution with creativity and humanity.

You can learn more about them here: https://www.ruralhackers.com/