Registration Form

Welcome to the European Creative Hubs Network’s Map!

Here you can add your hub by filling in the form, with this we want to create a comprehensive map of the creative hubs around Europe!
Once you fill in your information your hub will also be listed on our public map.
If you would like to become a member of ECHN, you can declare it at the end of the form and we will contact you to book a meeting and complete the membership procedure!
Thank you!

*If you’re applying for Associate membership or if you don’t have a physical hub yet, you can tick ‘No’ on the first box and you’ll be directed to the contact information directly.

Do you have a Creative Hub?

Select your Hub's location * Required

click on Map to select your location.
If you know the coordinates Latitude and Longitude, Insert them Manually in the fields bellow.

* If you don't know your coordinates go to google Maps insert your address and right click on the pin of your location. In the top you will see your Longitude and Latitude Numbers saperated by comma.

Fill in your Hub Address

Insert Hub Information All fields marked with * are required.

Add Website & Social Media:

Insert Contact Details All fields marked with * are required.

Public Information

Private Information

Become a member All fields marked with * are required.

Join the Hubs Alliance All fields marked with * are required.