On the last Family Brunch we discovered the new faith of an old rail yard in Bologna


On July's Hub Spotlight, we hosted Mara from DumBO (which stands for Distretto Urbano Multifunzionale di Bologna) - a temporary urban regeneration space. 

In Bologna, almost 40,000 square metres of the old freight yard Ravone, owned by FS Sistemi Urbani, are available to the city. This means sheds and open areas destined to culture, art, social activities, music and sport for mixed and always different activities, in close relation with the territory. A place where associations, business companies and citizens collaborate and contaminate each other. This brings together social integration, entertainment, culture, experimentation, sustainability and collaboration between different realities.

This means sheds and open areas destined to culture, art, social activities, music and sport for mixed and always different activities, in close relation with the territory. A place where associations, business companies and citizens collaborate and contaminate each other. 

This is a place available to accommodate and encourage new ideas and artistic and creative expressions, a temporary multifunctional space opened to the city. A project that brings together social integration, entertainment, culture, experimentation, sustainability and collaboration between different realities.

All of this happens within 6 buildings, with a total area of over 18,000 square meters, plus 20,000 square meters of outdoor space. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit them if you’re in town, or check out their work in their website!