TransfoLAB BCN

Country: Spain
City: Barcelona
Address: Ciutat de Granada 71 bajos
Name: Neda Tozija, Founder/International projects
Phone: 3.06944E+11

TransfoLAB BCN, as a Center for Trash Investigation, is dedicated to the creative ecosystem in Barcelona focused on design, innovation, production and experimentation with waste, circular economy and environmental sustainability. We offer space, tools, equipment, training, reclaimed materials and support to makers, designers, architects, artists, students, DIY hobbyists and creative enthusiasts looking for an environment to develop and design their ideas or projects. We offer support throughout the whole life cycle of the projects, including conception, planning, prototyping, production, and promotion. We connect our community with the citizens, an effort that results into creation of job opportunities, promotion of local commerce and set-up of circular economy on a local level. As a secondary objective, we seek innivative solutions and connections through Social and Circular Economy. We participate in projects and initiatives that promote reuse and recovery of objects/materials, optimizing the value of resources, supporting new models of entrepreneurship and sustainable consumption, as necessary tools to strengthen the local economy. Our third objective is the awareness and education of citizens about circular economy, sustainable use of resources, local production, self-sufficiency, and the waste problem in general. Since 2016 we have launched TransfoAcademy, our informal educational program that offers workshops, training and lectures focused on design, transformation, sustainable consumption, circular economy, and creative reuse/repurposing, tailored for institutions (schools, universities), citizens (children, youth, and adults in retraining/life-long learning) and corporations. Finally, as a last objective we aim create a space for dialogue to strengthen the culture of environmental, social and economic sustainability for citizens. We want to address very relevant issues of our time, such as climate change, circular economy, sustainable design, good practices in the use of resources and the reduction of waste, self-sufficiency, and environmentally beneficial models that also alleviate socioeconomic inequality. We are building a network of creators, researchers, and organizations to that will build the solutions of the future.

  • Architecture
  • Artistic crafts
  • Design & Fashion

  • Community Engagement
  • Curatorial Programming & Showcasing
  • Prototyping / Digital Fabrication
  • International Opportunities & Exchanges
  • Mentoring & Coaching
  • Networking & events
  • Professional Development: Workshops & Training
  • Research & Development
  • Residencies

  • Event Space
  • Exhibition Space
  • Meeting space
  • Maker Space / FabLab

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