Sneak Peek: our Staff Exchange Program

echn programs

The Staff Exchange is another Program developed for ECHN members only and it helps staff from the Creative Hubs to find a job shadowing experience in another creative hub of their choice.

Through this exchange, Creative Hubs can enhance the professional experience of their staff members by selecting other Hubs that have the needed skills and know-how. As a big network, creative hubs act as accelerators of professional development.


The first #StaffExchange of ECHN saw as protagonist Federica Valli from Lottozero. Her journey brought her to Lyon and Le Textile Lab, where after visiting different facilities and the local fine arts university, she learned more about lab management and the preparatory steps to set up a material library back in Lottozero. 
A great start to launch the first round of Staff Exchange!

Lucas De Laforet from Buinho visited Onl’Fait thanks to the #StaffExchange program.
The Geneva-based hub offered machineries and mentorship, and Lucas learned how to use CNC woodwork, helped with an animation workshop for kids and produced his own DIY arcade game.

All projects fed the open-source wiki of Onl’Fait! 

The latest #StaffExchange connected two rural hubs from Spain and Portugal: Anceu Coliving and Buinho.
Africa, Anceu’s manager, visited Buinho in the region of Alentejo to observe how technology and creativity can be used to have an impact and empower rural communities. Rural creative hubs are a repository of replicable models that can be adopted by any hub aiming to have a strong impact on its local community!

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